Introduction to Agility

Our Training Philosophy
What is Agility

Want to know more
Agility is great for almost all people and dogs. In 2 of the 3 major agility organizations in the U.S. the ever popular “All American Mixed Breed” is welcome to register and compete at trials. There are great handlers of all ages out in the agility rings, as young as 7 or so and as old as ? well, they aren’t telling! (But I know some are in their 70s). There are people with mobility problems and even handlers in wheelchairs.
And it is important to realize agility dogs are not magic dogs. Agility handlers are not magic people. Just regular dogs and people with two exceptions: one being the desire of the handlers to spend quality time training and having fun with their dogs, and two being the handlers having open minds in alternative training concepts.
Agility is a journey through a very different philosophy of training with ever deepening levels. It is amazingly enlightening, and amazingly simple! The key being that the training is fun! Is play!
Agility is not just the dog being able to “do” the equipment; it is the dog understanding how to execute the equipment safely and properly. Agility is not just telling the dog what to do; it is the handler guiding his team mate with directions and nuances using both signals and voice.
But the real fun of agility is the challenge, as a handler, learning and mastering the communicative skills, the body language, the timing necessary to successfully direct your dog at top speed through the correct course of obstacles! The result is the “choreography” which produces the smoothness, the flow, the phenomenon of the agility dance!
And the real reward is developing the intricate bond of understanding with your dog to create a true “team”!